Saturday, 20 March 2010

Ten pin and rabbits

Very short blog today - I'll try to add to it later.

Taken 16 year old to scout campsite for voluntary work, supposed to collect at 1pm take him home then go to Tenpin with Brownies. Husband to take daughter to music festival while I'm out. Daughter is ill so husband is collecting 16 year old and I've literally got a few minutes. I've sorted the Brownies paperwork - consents, food allergies, risk assessment etc. but not yet had lunch. They will eat at Tenpin, but my need for gluten and wheat free won't allow me to!

Tomorrow should be both children doing sport relief mile with scouts. Daughter is supposed to run in pyjamas. Looking at her now I can imagine she will be in pyjamas, but whether she'll manage to run a mile... Am I just particularly chaotic or do other people have week-ends like this. They were both out last night - one to Scouts the other to help with Cubs. I'm worn out! Anway - must go. My Guide unifrom is navy and husband left tissue in pocket in dark wash. Uniform needs ironing and 'snowstrom' needs brushing off somehow. Apologies for any typos - no time to check.


Just managed to list one of these this morning the other last night:


PS forgot to mention 'rabbits' - need to visit market for white rabbit buttons - bit of an emergency!


1 comment:

  1. Totally understand where you're coming from Sue. Daughter went ice skating last night. Had to run her to friends who were taking her (15 mile round trip) then I picked them all up (40 mile round trip)got back 11.30pm. This morning up for dancing for 10am, pick up at 1pm (hubby has done this) drop her off at another dance class until 3pm, need to go food shopping and iron something for us to wear tonight as we are going to in laws for tea. Also need to clean very messy house. Out tomorrow am dancing for 9.30am, then after lunch to my parents. Need to wash and iron school uniforms somewhere and fit in some craft work as I have some deadlines for friday. Phew, I'm tired just thinking about it all. We have this sort of thing most nights of the week. Also I'm organising a summer fair for school, oh and I work too (part time luckily. No wonder were all worn out - Il ove your latest listings, not sure where you find the time. xx
